Tarot Card Meanings: Simple Explanations of All 78 Cards

Diving into the world of tarot card meanings is like unfolding an ancient map of endless wisdom.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a curious newbie, a thorough understanding of each card is your gateway to intuitive readings.

In this comprehensive guide, we explain all 78 cards in the deck, each with its unique imagery, symbolism, and potential consequences.

Quickly get to the heart and soul of every card, even if you have no prior experience.

Some cards represent power, and some represent love. Once you learn each tarot cards meaning, a whole new world of possibilities opens up.

And a whole new way of looking at life.

While they can’t predict the future, they can give us direction.

And this simple online guide allows you to learn these tarot card meanings much faster.

You’ll be amazed at how simple these concepts really are.

How clearly they can be communicated.

Let’s get started…

The Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

Knowledge of the tarot card meanings.

The Major Arcana is a set within the tarot deck, made up of 22 cards.

Each represents life’s spiritual and karmic lessons.

Here’s a list of the tarot card meanings for the Major Arcana: 

(The number in parentheses indicates the card’s position in the set).

To get a better understanding of each one, click on the corresponding link…

1. The Fool (0 or 22): Embodying endless possibilities, The Fool is about new beginnings and adventures. It urges stepping into the unknown with an open heart and child-like curiosity, embracing life’s journey.

2. The Magician (1): Symbolizing manifestation and resourcefulness, it encourages utilizing one’s skills and tools to create desired outcomes. It’s about action, initiative, and aligning one’s abilities with intentions.

3. The High Priestess (2): Representing intuition and mystery, it’s one of those tarot card meaning that invites us to tune into our inner wisdom. She’s about embracing the unknown, accessing hidden knowledge, and trusting one’s instincts.

4. The Empress (3): Symbolizing fertility and abundance, it encourages nurturing, creativity, and embracing the beauty of life. She is a sign of maternal care, nature’s bounty, and expressing love openly.

5. The Emperor (4): Representing structure and authority, it urges maintaining discipline and order. It’s about taking charge, establishing rules, and providing a stable foundation for growth and success.

6. The Hierophant (5): Symbolizing tradition and spiritual wisdom, this card encourages exploring beliefs and values. It’s about seeking higher knowledge, adhering to established structures, and connecting to communal beliefs.

7. The Lovers (6): Representing love and partnership, it’s about deep connections and choices. It urges embracing love, aligning values, and making decisions that honor personal and shared ethics.

8. The Chariot (7): Symbolizing willpower and determination, this one is about overcoming challenges through control and focus. It encourages balanced action, staying driven, and pursuing one’s goals with vigor.

9. Strength (8): Representing inner strength and courage, it is about mastering emotions and displaying gentle power. It urges facing fears, exhibiting patience, and cultivating a compassionate resolve. This is one of those tarot card meanings that many people look forward to learning the nuances of.

10. The Hermit (9): Symbolizing introspection and seeking within, it’s about soul-searching and reflection. It encourages taking time alone to find inner clarity, wisdom, and guiding light in solitude.

11. Wheel of Fortune (10): Symbolizing cycles and change, the card is about embracing life’s fluctuations. It encourages recognizing opportunities, adapting to change, and trusting the process of fate and destiny.

12. Justice (11): Representing fairness and law, it encourages balanced decisions and facing the consequences of actions. It urges honesty, accountability, and striving for equity in personal and communal dealings.

13. The Hanged Man (12): Symbolizing pause and perspective, this one is about willingly surrendering to change. It encourages seeing things differently, letting go of control, and embracing a period of reflection.

14. Death (13): Representing transformation and endings, it’s about letting go of the old to make way for the new. It encourages embracing change, shedding outdated beliefs, and growing through transitions.

15. Temperance (14): Symbolizing balance and moderation, Temperance is about finding middle ground and harmonizing opposites. It encourages patience, blending diverse elements, and pursuing a path of peace and understanding.

16. The Devil (15): Symbolizing temptation and bondage, this card is about facing shadows and unhealthy attachments. It encourages confronting fears, breaking free from limitations, and pursuing a path of empowerment.

17. The Tower (16): Representing sudden upheaval, it is about releasing false structures and embracing change. It urges facing truths, allowing old ways to crumble, and rebuilding on solid ground.

18. The Star (17): Symbolizing hope and healing, it teaches about rejuvenation and finding light in darkness. It encourages faith, self-expression, and aligning with the universe’s benevolent energies.

19. The Moon (18): Representing illusion and intuition, it’s about navigating through uncertainties. It urges trusting instincts, exploring the subconscious, and confronting hidden fears.

20. The Sun (19): Symbolizing vitality and enlightenment, it is about experiencing joy and clarity. It encourages self-expression, celebrating achievements, and radiating positivity.

21. Judgement (20): Representing evaluation and rebirth, it’s about reflecting on life’s journey and heeding inner calling. It urges forgiveness, self-acceptance, and aligning with personal truth.

22. The World (21): Symbolizing fulfillment and completion, it supports achieving goals and embracing wholeness. It encourages celebrating milestones, integrating experiences, and embarking on new cycles with wisdom.

The journey through the Major Arcana tarot card meanings is like a metaphor for our own life’s journey.

Minor Arcana Tarot Cards Meaning

The four suits of the Minor Arcana tarot cards.

The Minor Arcana is the other part of the tarot deck, consisting of 56 cards.

They are split into four suits: Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands.

Each suit has 14 cards, ranging from Ace to King. Unlike the Major Arcana’s big life themes, the Minor Arcana tarot meanings dive into daily life.

They reflect our everyday actions, decisions, and emotions.

Think of them as the detailed scenes that make up the grand narrative the Major Arcana tells.

Once you grasp the Minor Arcana tarot cards meanings, you’ll understand the subtleties of day-to-day life reflected in every reading.

To learn more about each card, simply click on the link.

Suit of Cups Tarot Cards Meanings

1. Ace of Cups: Symbolizing emotional beginnings, this one is about open-heartedness and intuitive connections. It encourages embracing love, creativity, and the nurturing of new relationships or emotional experiences.

2. Two of Cups: Representing mutual attraction, it’s about partnership and balanced exchange. It urges honoring commitments, creating harmonious connections, and valuing both similarities and differences.

3. Three of Cups: Symbolizing celebration and friendship, this card is about joyful interactions and communal bonds. It encourages expressing happiness, enjoying social gatherings, and cherishing shared experiences.

4. Four of Cups: Representing contemplation and disinterest, it’s about self-reflection and emotional stagnation. It urges acknowledging feelings, re-evaluating situations, and seeking new emotional perspectives.

5. Five of Cups: Symbolizing loss and grief, this one is about processing emotional pain. It encourages facing sorrow, finding acceptance, and looking for positive aspects amidst challenging circumstances.

6. Six of Cups: Representing nostalgia and innocence, it tells us to cherish past connections and childhood memories. It urges embracing simplicity, kindness, and the joy of giving.

7. Seven of Cups: Another of the tarot card meanings that symbolizes choices and illusions, it’s about exploring options and discerning reality from fantasy. It encourages grounding oneself, making informed decisions, and aligning with authentic desires.

8. Eight of Cups: Representing moving on, it teaches us to go about seeking deeper meaning and leaving unsatisfying situations. It urges emotional growth, exploring unknown paths, and pursuing personal truth.

9. Nine of Cups: Symbolizing satisfaction and wish-fulfillment, it’s about enjoying life’s pleasures and emotional contentment. It encourages cherishing blessings, expressing gratitude, and living in the moment.

10. Ten of Cups: Representing emotional abundance, this one is about achieving family and relationship harmony. It urges celebrating love, nurturing connections, and embracing communal joy.

11. Page of Cups: Symbolizing emotional curiosity, this card is about exploring feelings and intuitive insights. It encourages open-heartedness, creative expression, and listening to inner emotions.

12. Knight of Cups: Representing the romantic dreamer, this Knight is about following one’s heart and being guided by emotions. It urges empathy, artistic pursuits, and acting on feelings with grace.

13. Queen of Cups: Symbolizing emotional maturity, the Queen of this suit is about nurturing compassion and understanding. It encourages emotional balance, intuitive wisdom, and creating a harmonious environment.

14. King of Cups: Representing emotional mastery, encourages us to balance feelings with intellect. It urges maintaining composure, exhibiting empathy, and navigating relationships with wisdom and fairness.

To really get the hang of it, you should get to know the Suit of Cups tarot card meanings every day.

Suit of Swords Tarot Meanings

1. Ace of Swords: Symbolizing clarity and truth, this Swords card is about sharp insight and clear communication. It urges intellectual honesty, decisive action, and cutting through confusion.

2. Two of Swords: Representing indecision, this one is about facing choices and finding balance. It urges thoughtful deliberation, seeking peace, and overcoming denial.

3. Three of Swords: Symbolizing heartbreak and loss, the card is about confronting emotional pain. It urges healing, acceptance, and processing grief to move forward.

4. Four of Swords: Representing rest and reflection, this Swords card is about taking a break and gathering thoughts. It urges rejuvenation, contemplation, and preparing for future action.

5. Five of Swords: Symbolizing conflict and defeat, a card that’s about facing opposition and potential loss. It urges reassessment, learning from mistakes, and choosing battles wisely.

6. Six of Swords: is a tarot card meaning that represents transition, this card is about moving on from difficulties towards calmer times. It urges seeking resolution, embracing change, and journeying towards healing.

7. Seven of Swords: Symbolizing strategy and deceit, another card that’s about careful planning or hidden motives. It urges cleverness, evaluating potential risks, and being wary of dishonesty.

8. Eight of Swords: Symbolizing self-imprisonment, this Swords card is about feeling trapped by thoughts. It urges self-awareness, breaking free from negative patterns, and seeking a new perspective.

9. Nine of Swords: One of the rare tarot cards meanings that represents anxiety, the Nine is about facing fears and worries. It urges confronting issues, seeking support, and working towards mental peace.

10. Ten of Swords: Symbolizing endings, this particular card is about facing harsh truths and moving on. It urges acceptance, releasing past pains, and embracing new beginnings.

11. Page of Swords: Representing curiosity, this one is about seeking truth and learning. It urges open communication, intellectual exploration, and embracing new ideas.

12. Knight of Swords: Symbolizing action, the Knight in this suit is about pursuing goals with determination. It urges clear thinking, assertiveness, and tackling challenges head-on.

13. Queen of Swords: Representing intellectual control, this card is about clear judgement and honesty. It urges straightforward communication, unbiased decisions, and embracing independence.

14. King of Swords: Symbolizing authoritative decisions, it encourages rational leadership and clear thinking. It urges fairness, intellectual mastery, and providing wise counsel.

The Suit of Swords tarot meanings deal with the practical aspects of our lives, unlike the Major Arcana.

Suit of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

1. Ace of Pentacles: Symbolizing new financial or material opportunities, this card is about prosperity and potential growth. It urges practical action, seizing resources, and nurturing seeds of abundance.

2. Two of Pentacles: Representing balance, the Two in this suit is about juggling responsibilities and adapting to change. It urges flexibility, managing priorities, and maintaining harmony amidst fluctuations.

3. Three of Pentacles: Symbolizing collaboration, the card is about teamwork and skillful execution. It urges combining efforts, valuing expertise, and working towards shared goals.

4. Four of Pentacles: Representing security, the Four is about conserving resources and controlling situations. It urges financial prudence, maintaining boundaries, and evaluating attachments to material possessions.

5. Five of Pentacles: Symbolizing hardship, this one is about facing financial or emotional challenges. It urges seeking support, confronting scarcity fears, and finding hope amidst adversity.

6. Six of Pentacles: Representing generosity, the Six is about sharing resources and reciprocal support. It urges kindness, balanced giving and receiving, and promoting fairness.

7. Seven of Pentacles: Symbolizing patience, this is one of the few tarot cards meanings that’s about evaluating progress and awaiting rewards. It urges perseverance, thoughtful assessment, and nurturing long-term growth.

8. Eight of Pentacles: Symbolizing craftsmanship, this card is about dedication and skill development. It urges meticulous work, continuous learning, and striving for mastery.

9. Nine of Pentacles: Representing self-sufficiency, the Nine is about enjoying independence and material comfort. It urges appreciating luxuries, cultivating patience, and valuing personal achievements.

10. Ten of Pentacles: Symbolizing legacy, the card is about family wealth and established foundations. It urges long-term planning, honoring traditions, and creating enduring security.

11. Page of Pentacles: Representing a learner, this card is about exploring practical opportunities and being studious. It urges curiosity, grounded dreams, and taking the first steps towards realization.

12. Knight of Pentacles: Symbolizing reliability, the Knight in this suit is about steady progress and being trustworthy. It urges diligence, responsibility, and pursuing goals with a practical approach.

13. Queen of Pentacles: Representing nurturing, the Queen is about providing material and emotional support. It urges caring for others, maintaining a warm environment, and balanced resource management.

14. King of Pentacles: Symbolizing abundance, this card is about material success and wise investment. It urges business acumen, stable leadership, and cultivating prosperity.

The Suit of Pentacles tarot card meanings often reveal the upcoming twists and turns in your everyday routine.

Suit of Wands Tarot Cards Meaning

1. Ace of Wands: Symbolizing inspiration and new beginnings, this card is about igniting passion and taking action. It urges creativity, boldness, and launching endeavors with enthusiasm.

2. Two of Wands: Representing planning and future action, this one is about envisioning possibilities and preparing for what’s next. It urges strategic thinking, personal power, and stepping outside comfort zones.

3. Three of Wands: Symbolizing foresight and expansion, the Three in this suit is about looking ahead and broadening horizons. It encourages exploration, anticipation, and seeing the bigger picture.

4. Four of Wands: Representing celebration and stability, the card is about enjoying achievements and communal harmony. It urges gratitude, social joy, and marking milestones with festivities.

5. Five of Wands: Symbolizing conflict and competition, this tarot card meaning facing challenges and differing opinions. It urges engaging in healthy debates, learning from friction, and striving for improvement.

6. Six of Wands: Representing victory and recognition, the Six is about celebrating achievements and enjoying accolades. It urges self-confidence, leadership, and sharing success with the community.

7. Seven of Wands: Symbolizing resilience and defense, the card is about standing your ground and facing opposition. It urges courage, persistence, and asserting oneself amidst challenges.

8. Eight of Wands: Symbolizing rapid movement, the Eight is about swift actions and quick decisions. It urges seizing momentum, embracing change, and moving forward with optimism.

9. Nine of Wands: Representing resilience, the card is about enduring challenges and staying determined. It urges vigilance, perseverance, and preparing for final hurdles.

10. Ten of Wands: Symbolizing burden, this card is about carrying heavy responsibilities. It urges evaluating priorities, seeking help, and managing load wisely.

11. Page of Wands: Representing youthful enthusiasm, the Page is about exploring new passions and expressing creativity. It urges curiosity, adventurous spirit, and embarking on self-discovery.

12. Knight of Wands: Symbolizing energetic action, this one is about pursuing desires with vigor. It urges courage, spontaneity, and engaging in exciting endeavors.

13. Queen of Wands: Representing charismatic leadership, the card is about inspiring others and expressing confidence. It urges self-assuredness, nurturing passions, and embodying energetic influence.

14. King of Wands: Symbolizing visionary leadership, this one is about leading with inspiration and charisma. It urges boldness, taking initiative, and directing energy towards grand visions.

Many times, you can’t get a full picture from a reading without considering the Suit of wands tarot card meanings.

Learn Tarot Cards and Their Meanings Faster

Tips for learning the tarot cards meanings.

If you’re fairly new to this and you want to learn how to read tarot cards meanings, here’s a few tips to help give you more clarity and focus:

1. Get to Know Your Deck: Spend some quality time with your cards. Look at the images, feel them out, and see what vibes you get. Each deck’s got its own personality.

2. Start with the Basics: Learn the meanings of the cards one by one. You don’t have to memorize everything at once. Maybe start with the Major Arcana since those are like the main characters of the tarot world.

3. Daily Draws: Pull a card every day. This is like getting to know a new friend. Jot down your thoughts and feelings about the card. What’s it saying to you?

4. Use a Guidebook: Most decks come with a book. It’s like having a tarot tutor in your pocket. Read up on the traditional meanings to get a solid foundation.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice: Do readings for yourself, your plants, your cat—whatever! The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

6. Join a Community: Find groups online or in-person where you can talk tarot. It’s always more fun with fellow enthusiasts.

7. Trust Your Intuition: Sometimes the book says one thing, but your gut says another. Listen to that inner voice—it’s part of the magic.

Learning the tarot cards and their meanings is an adventure, a challenge, and a party, all rolled into one.

Remember, it’s a journey. Take it card by card, and have fun with it. Happy tarot-ing!


From the big-picture narratives of the Major Arcana to the day-to-day nuances captured by the Minor Arcana, these cards provide a unique form of storytelling.

Navigating the realm of tarot cards meanings can be like reading the story of life, with each card a page filled with symbolic messages.

Through the exploration of all 72 cards, from the Major to the Minor Arcana, we’ve ventured into a world where intuition meets tradition.

The layers of meanings, the rich symbolism, and the reflective narratives each card holds, offers a path to self-discovery and a deeper understanding of the universe’s dance.

Whether a card speaks of love, conflict, change or triumph, there’s a spectrum of insight waiting to be explored.

As you shuffle and lay down your cards, remember, the journey through the Tarot is a journey inward, an invitation to unveil the stories that reside within and around us.

Learning the tarot card meanings puts you a step closer to knowing how the world of these cards works.

Eventually, readings become a cinch to do.

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