Empress as Feelings: Tarot’s Guide to Relationships & Romance

When interpreting the Empress as feelings in a reading, expect themes of care, support, and passion to surface.

Whether you’re single, in a new romance, navigating a long-term partnership, or reflecting on your ex partners, this card offers profound insights into your romantic landscape.

This blog post will explore this card in relation to how somebody esle feels about you, no matter what type of relationship you are currently in.

And you’ll also learn how the Empress reversed as feelings can reveal unresolved issues of neglect or feelings of being undervalued.

Understanding this card’s influence can help you nurture your relationships more effectively. 

Let’s dive in to discover the nurturing wisdom of the Empress as feelings and how it can illuminate your path in romance and relationships.

Meaning of the Empress as Feelings Upright

Empress tarot card as feelings for another.

When the Empress as feelings card appears upright in a reading, it signifies deep beliefs of nurturing and care.

This card also represents abundance and comfort. In the context of feelings, this means the other party may feel an overwhelming sense of contentment and satisfaction in the relationship.

It signifies a period of emotional richness and contentment.

They appreciate the security and stability you bring into their life. The emotions associated with this card are warm, inviting, and fulfilling. 

The other side finds emotional richness and joy in your connection.

Feelings inspired by the Empress are those of wanting to build and nurture something together. 

This card suggests that the relationship is on a path to blossoming into something more significant and substantial.

The card is a symbol of fertility and growth.

In terms of feelings, this can indicate that they envision great potential in the relationship.

They feel that your connection can grow and evolve into something beautiful and lasting. 

The presence of the Empress as how they feel about you shows they have a profound sense of warmth and support for you, desiring to further the relationship in a positive way.

But what does it mean for certain situations? Let’s find out…

For Singles & New Relationships

In the context of new relationships, the Empress as feelings in an upright position signifies a blossoming romance filled with attraction and excitement.

This card suggests that both partners feel a strong, nurturing connection from the start.

There’s a sense of warmth and care that can make the relationship grow quickly. The card indicates that this new bond has the potential to develop into something meaningful and fulfilling.

Additionally, it highlights the importance of mutual support and understanding, fostering a deep emotional connection.

As both individuals invest in the relationship, they may find it becomes a source of joy, stability, and lasting happiness.

Current Partnerships

For established relationships, this card represents a deepening connection and stability.

It highlights a phase where both partners feel secure and content with each other. It suggests a time of emotional abundance, where the relationship thrives on mutual support and understanding.

Couples may find themselves growing closer, enjoying a period of harmony and shared happiness.

The card encourages continued nurturing of the bond to maintain this positive state.

By prioritizing each other’s needs and fostering open communication, couples can further strengthen their connection.

Embracing shared activities and creating new memories together can also enhance the relationship’s depth and emotional richness.

Ex Partners

For ex-partners, the Empress tarot meaning signifies lingering feelings of care and attachment.

It suggests a nurturing connection that remains even after separation.

This card can indicate a potential for reconciliation or simply reflect the ongoing emotional bond that still exists between the two, marked by mutual respect and affection.

It highlights the importance of emotional closure and understanding. 

Addressing unresolved issues and expressing lingering emotions can help both individuals achieve peace and clarity.

This process can pave the way for either a renewed relationship built on stronger foundations or the ability to move forward with a sense of completion and emotional growth.

Long-Distance Relationships

In long-distance relationships, the Empress as feelings emphasizes the importance of maintaining emotional closeness despite physical separation.

This card suggests that partners can still nurture their connection by being emotionally available and supportive.

It highlights the need for regular communication and expressions of affection to keep the relationship strong.

The card reassures that with effort and care, the emotional bond can flourish even from afar, providing comfort and stability to both partners.


Empress Reversed as Feelings

In a Tarot reading, the Empress reversed as feelings indicates insecurity and emotional imbalance.

This may manifest as clinginess or a lack of self-assurance.

One partner might feel overly reliant on the other for emotional support, leading to an imbalance.

This dependency can stifle the growth and individuality of both partners, creating tension and frustration.

The Empress reversed as feelings can also suggest emotional neglect or one-sidedness.

Instead of the nurturing and supportive energy seen in the upright position, there may be feelings of being overlooked or undervalued.

This can lead to dissatisfaction and emotional distance in the relationship.

Lastly, this card reversed highlights difficulties in self-care and nurturing.

One or both partners may struggle to provide the care and attention needed for the relationship to thrive.

This card urges individuals to address these issues to restore harmony and balance, emphasizing the importance of self-love and mutual respect.

For Anyone Single

When the Empress appears reversed for singles, it signals a need for self-care and personal growth. It suggests feelings of insecurity or self-doubt that might hinder forming new connections.

This card encourages focusing on building self-esteem and nurturing oneself before seeking a relationship.

It’s a reminder to address any emotional imbalances and prioritize self-love.

Taking time to understand and heal past wounds can lead to healthier future relationships.

By cultivating a strong sense of self-worth and emotional stability, individuals can attract partners who appreciate and respect them, paving the way for more fulfilling and balanced connections.

Established Partnerships

In established partnerships, the Empress reversed as feelings indicates potential neglect or imbalance in the relationship.

It suggests one or both partners may feel unsupported or undervalued.

This card highlights the need to address these issues, fostering better communication and ensuring both partners’ emotional needs are met to restore harmony.

Without addressing these concerns, resentment and dissatisfaction can grow, leading to further emotional distance.

It’s essential to prioritize each other’s needs, practice empathy, and invest time in nurturing the relationship.

Taking proactive steps to understand and support each other can transform the dynamic and rekindle the loving connection.

Ex Partners

For ex-partners, the Empress reversed as feelings points to lingering feelings of unresolved issues or emotional neglect.

It suggests that past insecurities or dependencies might still affect one’s outlook on current or future relationships.

This card encourages resolving these past issues to achieve emotional closure and personal growth, promoting healthier future connections.

By addressing these lingering emotions, individuals can break free from negative patterns and open themselves up to more balanced and fulfilling relationships.

Embracing self-care and learning from past experiences can lead to a more positive and secure approach to fostering greater happiness and emotional well-being.

Long-Distance Relationships

In long-distance relationships, this card reversed highlights challenges in maintaining emotional closeness and support. 

It may indicate feelings of neglect or difficulties in nurturing the relationship from afar. 

This card urges partners to find new ways to stay connected and supportive, ensuring both feel valued and emotionally fulfilled despite the distance.

Empress as Feelings for a Woman

The Empress as feelings for a woman reveals profound insights into her emotional world. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it signifies that the woman feels deeply connected to her nurturing and caring side.

She embodies the essence of the card, radiating warmth, affection, and compassion.

This woman likely prioritizes the well-being of those around her, offering support and understanding in abundance. 

She is emotionally generous, creating a nurturing environment where relationships can thrive.

In a romantic context, the Empress as how they feel about you indicates that the woman is ready to invest wholeheartedly in her relationship. 

She desires a partnership built on mutual respect, care, and emotional richness. Her feelings are genuine and deep, marked by a strong sense of loyalty and devotion. 

She seeks to create a harmonious and loving bond, where both partners can grow and flourish together.

For herself, this as feelings suggests that the woman is in tune with her own needs and emotions.

She understands the importance of self-care and personal growth, ensuring that her cup is full so she can pour into others.

This card encourages her to embrace her nurturing qualities while also taking time to nurture herself, fostering a balanced and fulfilling emotional life.

Empress as a Man’s Feelings

The Empress as a man’s feelings in a Tarot reading reveals a deep, nurturing side of his emotional world. 

When this card appears, it suggests that he feels a strong desire to care for and support those around him.

His feelings are characterized by a genuine commitment to fostering emotional growth and creating a loving environment.

In a romantic context, the Empress as a man’s feelings indicates that he is ready to invest deeply in his relationship.

He desires a partnership built on mutual respect, understanding, and emotional richness. 

This man values the emotional well-being of his partner and seeks to create a harmonious and nurturing bond.

His feelings are sincere and devoted, marked by a strong sense of loyalty and care.

For himself, this tarot card as a man’s feelings suggests that he is in touch with his own emotions and understands the importance of self-care.

He recognizes the need to nurture himself to maintain a balanced and fulfilling emotional life.

Empress as Feelings In Friendship

The Empress as feelings in the context of friendship signifies a deep, nurturing bond characterized by care, support, and genuine affection.

When this card appears in a Tarot reading about friendship, it indicates that the person feels a strong desire to foster a loving and supportive connection.

They are likely to go out of their way to ensure their friends feel valued, understood, and emotionally nourished.

In friendships, this card embodies the essence of unconditional support and empathy.

This person is the friend who always offers a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and practical help when needed.

They create a warm and inviting atmosphere where friends feel safe to express themselves and grow.

The Empress as how they feel about you in friendship also suggests a relationship where emotional growth and mutual care are prioritized.

It’s a friendship that thrives on shared experiences, deep conversations, and a profound sense of loyalty.

Example Readings with the Empress As Feelings

This card holds profound meanings in readings, especially concerning feelings and relationships.

Here are four examples of what the Empress as feelings might signify in various relationship scenarios.

Upright Position

1. New Relationship Reading:

In a reading for someone starting a new relationship, the Empress card appears upright. This indicates that the individual feels a strong sense of attraction and warmth towards their new partner. 

They are experiencing feelings of nurturing and care, suggesting that they are ready to invest emotionally and create a loving, supportive environment for the relationship to flourish.

2. Long-Term Relationship Reading:

In a reading for a couple in a long-term relationship, the card appears upright. This signifies that both partners are feeling deeply connected and secure. 

They feel emotionally abundant and content, with a strong sense of mutual support and understanding. 

Their relationship is thriving on this nurturing energy, leading to a harmonious and fulfilling partnership.

Reversed Position

1. Reading for Singles:

In a reading for a single person struggling to find a partner, the Empress as feelings appears reversed. 

This indicates that they may be feeling insecure and lacking in self-confidence, which is hindering their ability to form new connections. 

They need to focus on self-care and building their self-esteem before they can attract a healthy, nurturing relationship.

2. Established Partnership Reading:

In a reading for an established couple experiencing difficulties, the card appears reversed. 

This suggests that one or both partners are feeling neglected or undervalued, leading to emotional imbalance and dissatisfaction. 

They need to address these issues and improve communication to restore harmony and ensure both partners’ emotional needs are met.

Understanding this card’s meanings can provide valuable insights into your emotional state and relationship dynamics.

Whether upright or reversed, this card offers guidance on how to nurture yourself and your connections.


The Empress Tarot card is a powerful symbol of nurturing, abundance, and emotional richness.

In relationships, she represents deep care, support, and the potential for growth and fulfillment.

Whether upright, indicating positive nurturing energy and emotional abundance, or reversed, highlighting areas of insecurity and imbalance, the card provides invaluable insights into the emotional dynamics at play.

On the contrary, the Empress reversed as feelings suggests a struggle with dependency and a lack of self-care in the relationship.

It’s about nurturing not only the relationship but also oneself, ensuring that both individuals can grow and flourish together.

Use her guidance to create a balanced and loving partnership that thrives on mutual respect and care.

Whether you’re seeking to understand your own feelings or those of your partner, the Empress as feelings encourages you to tap into your compassionate and nurturing side.